
DivioTec INC

DivioTec focuses on network video cameras and video management hardware platforms. We have experience in designing and manufacturing video and surveillance products for more than 20 years. Based on different applications, DivioTec offers highly customizable services and shares vertical market-dominant know-how to reach project goals efficiently.


歡迎來到Mini Zoo in My Room線上電商平台,我們是與臺北市立動物園合作的文創平台,這裡是一個充滿樂趣、知識和保育的購物天地,專為動物愛好者和野生動物保育的支持者打造。

GreenBase Technology

Greenbase is strategically owned by Nexcom since 2012 to strengthen the advancements in technology with innovative solutions for a wide range of video AIoT applications.

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